

Whoever you are, wherever you are, you might encounter various frustrations and limits along your way. It’s about being open, learn to look at them without judgment, and transform them. Because you can.

​I’m here to help you drive your mind to the core of the problem, find it, and change the course of your life. Fast paced. Efficient. Focused. Now you can drive towards new and brighter paths, and transform unconscious blockages and old patterns into infinite possibilities.

Are you ready for the next step? I’d love to introduce you to Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT) – a one-of-a-kind method, developed by British hypnotherapist Marisa Peer, that combines the best of Hypnotherapy, Psychotherapy, Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy.

In one session you will discover how you can convert the pain of the past into fuel to build your most beautiful life. You notice it in your mind and in your body, in your career, and most of all in your relationships. Are you in?

What does a session look like?

I help you help yourself.

If you are stressed or anxious, if you have doubts about the future of a relationship, or you just feel that you are not living the life you should be living, I’m here to provide you with a solution. With the help of Rapid Transformational Therapy you are quickly and permanently free of the blocks and limitations that hold you back. A session with me frees you from your internal saboteurs and gives you new energy for the next steps in your life. I have the experience, skills and tools to work with you to solve problems and get your life back on track.


Here’s how it works:

We formulate a clear goal together.

I guide you with the help of hypnosis to a place inside yourself, which you cannot easily reach with your daily consciousness.

I’m here to ask you questions that no one else is asking.

In this way you will see clearly how, what, and when limiting beliefs and patterns have crept into your life. And what unconscious role(s) you have played all this time. With RTT you create space for a new story very directly and accurately.

Do you want to know how a Rapid Transformational Therapy program can change your life?

  • Do you want to know more about RTT?
  • Do you want to find out where your hindering patterns come from? 
  • Do you finally want to get rid of those critical voices and inner saboteurs?
  • Do you want to understand why you always run into the same blockages? 

Book your free discovery session with me right away, and together we will find out how an RTT trajectory can liberate you. 

During a 30 minutes free discovery session we will look together at how RTT can help you to remove the blockages and limiting habits and beliefs in your life. We explore where your bottlenecks and growth opportunities lie. I advise you how we can tackle this with RTT and I immediately give you a number of valuable tips. And then you decide what to do with it. It’s completely non-binding.


What does Rapid Transformational Therapy work for?

The power of your subconscious mind.

Our mind always drives us to what is familiar to us, and will try to keep us away from – or avoid – what is unfamiliar. This explains why we always fall back into old (destructive) patterns. With RTT, we are going to discover the reason behind that old pattern, break the connection between the reason and the pattern, and create a new positive pattern that does work for you.

Are you running into blockages?

Do you recognize self-sabotaging thoughts and habits, procrastination, are there negative habits you can’t change? That’s because you deal with them with your conscious mind, while the blocks are present in your subconscious. 

With Rapid Transformational Therapy you will:

  • breaking limiting habits and patterns
  • perform better and achieve results
  • be more successful in work and relationships
  • improve focus and motivation
  • relieve stress
  • overcome fears and phobias
  • and much more…


WHAT IS Rapid Transformational Therapy?

Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT) is a one-of-a-kind method, developed by British hypnotherapist Marisa Peer. This method is certainly ‘Rapid’ and ‘Transformational’, because special results are achieved in a short time. Not only in my practice, but worldwide.

RTT can save you hours and in most cases even years of talk therapy and coaching.

Through hypnosis you learn to work with your subconscious mind and to detect old blockages. In this way you can clear and transform that which no longer serves you. You will experience more peace, strength, energy and space, in every aspect of your life.

RTT makes you super grounded – and at the same time, new avenues open up. You make new choices that deep down you know are right. Who do you want to be? RTT gives you back the freedom to choose for yourself.

This revolutionary, highly efficient and effective stand-alone therapy is a perfect fit for our fast-paced lifestyle and the rapidly changing world and demanding environments we live in today.

It improves, transforms and optimizes the quality of life for people who do not have the time, desire or inclination to spend hours talking about their problem.

Results in one session

One session delivers exceptional results and frees you from unwanted habits and physical, emotional and psychological problems and limiting beliefs that are deeply rooted in your subconscious. It supports personal development and the ability to achieve goals.

Eliminate the cause

Most of the problems in your life arise from the meaning you gave to events in your life as a small child. You interpreted these events at a very young age that gave rise to certain thoughts about yourself, for example:

– “I’m not enough the way I am”

– “That’s not available to me”

– “I am different from others and do not belong”

The Power of Hypnosis

These negative thoughts subconsciously (automatically) control your behavior and experience and you can’t do anything about that with your conscious brain. To really achieve change, you have to restore it through your subconscious brain. Through hypnosis we can work with your subconscious brain to remove the patterns and blockages that hinder your life.


What can you use Rapid Transformational Therapy for?

You can use RTT for the most diverse themes:

Physical health

  • Weight Control
  • Anorexia & Bulimia
  • Sleep problems
  • Cellular Regeneration and Healing
  • Fertility and Conception
  • Hypno-birthing
  • Pain management

Mental health

  • Self-confidence and self-esteem
  • Anxiety and Phobias
  • Stress and burnout
  • Compulsive behavior
  • Guilt and Shame
  • Depression
  • Addictions (smoking, drinking, gaming, drugs, gambling, phone usage,…)


  • Attracting and Maintaining a Love Relationship
  • Relationship Conflicts
  • Family Conflicts

Performance improvement

  • Motivation & Procrastination
  • Speaking in public
  • Fear of exams
  • Fear of failure
  • Follow your goals
  • Improve your memory
  • Team motivation and success


Rapid Transformational Therapy PROCESS

An RTT process has different phases, which together cover about four weeks. Afterwards, you look differently at yourself and at life in general.


It all starts with a 30 minutes discovery call, which allows us to know each other. I will learn more about you and your problem, how it manifests, and above all what you would want to do differently. We formulate a clear and measurable goal. And immediately make an appointment for the therapy session.

Therapy session

The therapy session takes place online, within the comfort of your home. Reserve two hours (1.5 hours in average) for this appointment in your agenda. Also take some time for yourself afterwards.

Customized audio

Based on what emerged during the session, I create a 15 minutes audio, especially tailored for you. This is your new story, your new program, which you listen to every day, for three weeks. Because your mind learns by repetition. And in order to permanently change your old pattern, you will first have to remind yourself for a while that everything is different now, so that it is absorbed into your whole system and you start acting on it more and more.


After a week we will be in touch to discuss how things are going. You can always send me a message if there is something you want to share or discuss in between.


After three weeks we will discuss again and see what has permanently changed, and what your life looks like now. Usually this final step marks the completion of the transformation process. If anything extra is needed, we will of course discuss that as well.


Private individuals: 400 Euro (including VAT)

Business: 450 Euro (excl. VAT)

Team sessions: please contact info@atdriveyourmind.com for a tailored offer.

NB: For nine out of ten clients, one RTT session is enough to make a huge consciousness shift.

Some clients book another session after a while – and that can happen to you too. Because once you have discovered the power of RTT and your subconscious mind capabilities, you are probably curious about what else is possible. Then you know and feel very clearly when you are ready for the next step.

Curious about what RTT can do for you? Book a free discovery call so that I can learn more about you and determine how I can best help.



Step 1: Identify the Cause

After a short induction into hypnosis, or rather a very deep relaxation, I will guide you to identify the cause of your behavior/problem. During hypnosis you respond completely. You are not sleeping, but you are very relaxed and aware. You can compare it to when you daydream and lose track of time. During this deep relaxation you are connected to your subconscious mind. Your subconscious has stored every detail and every memory of your life. And this is how we can find the cause of your problem and unwanted behavior.

Step 2: Interrupt the pattern

Once we find the cause, you will be immediately set free and let go of the old beliefs that kept you in this vicious circle. With the powerful and effective techniques of RTT I will give your subconscious an “update” and reprogram your brain with tailor-made positive commands. This stimulates and activates the desired behavior.

Step 3: Install Positive Beliefs

The last part of the session consists of a hypnotic transformation that I record and give to you after the session so that you can listen to it at least once a day for the next 21 days.



Nice to meet you!

I’m Angela, I live in both France and The Netherlands, and I share this wonderful adventure with my dog Mya, the most amazing furry family.

I’ve always had an interest in psychology, and after 20 years spent in corporate environments, spinning on the same wheel with no finish line in sight, I felt it was time to change the narrative. My narrative. So, in the middle of a world pandemic I asked myself the most important question yet: “how can I drive my life towards the path I really want to follow?”

This is how I discovered Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT). This form of therapy was developed by the British hypnotherapist Marisa Peer, based on over 30 years of experience with the most diverse clients. RTT is a combination of hypnosis, psychotherapy, neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) and cognitive behavioral therapy. The method is revolutionary because it breaks with various conventions, including the idea that change is always painful, lengthy and complicated. RTT proves that it can be done differently. Because by working directly with the subconscious, rapid changes are possible. RTT teaches you to see which subconscious beliefs guide your life and how you can change them, so that you can finally live the life you want. It’s a major upgrade of your system, in a super-efficient way.

And I found the answer to my question: “by driving my mind towards the path I really want to follow, I can drive my life”.

At the end of 2021 I successfully completed the RTT Practitioner training, obtained my certificate and I am now a therapist who can help others change their lives. I see the positive, fast-acting impact on my clients. It’s liberating. RTT delivers the best results. And it fits perfectly and in the most wonderful way with the belief that we all can drive our minds. What we believe we become, what we think we achieve. This is the basis of my work as a therapist and coach.

I am grateful for everything I have encountered on my path. The beautiful and the difficult moments, they will continue to alternate, because life simply cannot be controlled. But what we can control is the way we look at ourselves, at the events in our lives, and the world. It is up to us to transform our fears. We are here to grow and broaden our perspective. And when we do that, everything changes. I am happy to help you build that bridge to a life with more abundance and freedom.


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  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Book a session









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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.